“Illinois partnership with the JJK Foundation in St. Clair County set to provide more than $32 million in labor income creation throughout the state of Illinois by 2026”
Jan. 2023: The Prairie Research Institute
“The Prairie Research Institute (PRI) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has had a positive direct economic impact on Illinois’ economy valued at $667 million for years 2018–2022 and has provided more than 5,300 full-time jobs in the state, according to a recent analysis at a U. of I. research center.”
Aug. 2021: The Illinois Autonomous and Connected Track
“Over the next 30 years, the Illinois Autonomous and Connected Track is estimated to bring in $3.53 billion for the state’s economy, $483 million in total tax revenue between local, state and federal governments, and also deliver more than 23,000 full-time jobs (direct and indirect) to the area”.
May 2017: Blue Waters
“The study finds that the Blue Waters project—which is a joint investment between the State of Illinois, the University of Illinois, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and related activities funded by the university, NSF and other federal agencies—has a projected $1.08 billion direct economic impact on Illinois’ economy and will have created 5,772 full-time equivalent employment over the project’s lifespan (October 2007 – June 2019).”