

  • W. Ridley, S. Devadoss, and J. Luckstead (2024). “Impacts of NTMs and Tariffs on Beef, Pork, and Poultry Trade.” Forthcoming in Journal of Agricultural Economics.
  • D. Park, J. Howard, and W. Ridley (2024). “Regional Heterogeneity in Environmental Quality: The Role of Firm Production Networks and Trade.” Forthcoming in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  • W. Ridley and S. Devadoss (2024). “Determinants of Policy Responses in the US-China Tit-for-Tat Trade War.” Forthcoming in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
  • S. Devadoss and W. Ridley (2024). “Impacts of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on the Global Wheat Market.” World Development 173, 106396.


  • S. Dhoubhadel, W. Ridley, and S. Devadoss (2023). “Brazilian Soybean Expansion, US-China Trade War, and US Soybean Exports.”Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2(3), 446–460.
  • W. Ridley and S. Devadoss (2023). “Competition and Trade Policy in the World Cotton Market: Implications for US Cotton Exports.”American Journal of Agricultural Economics 105(5), 1365–1387.
  • W. Ridley, S. Akhundjanov, and S. Devadoss (2023). “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Trade in Agricultural Products.” The World Economy 46(8), 2432–2455.
  • J. Ayala Garcia, S. Dall’erba, and W. Ridley (2023). “The Impact and Externalities of Extreme Natural Disasters on Local Tax Revenue in Colombia.” Regional Studies 57(5), 857–867.
  • J. Howard, K.E. Maskus, and W. Ridley (2023). “Intellectual property-related PTAs and patenting.” In Beyond Trade: How Deep Trade Agreements Shape Non-Trade Outcomes. A. Margarida Fernandes, N. Rocha, and M. Ruta (eds.). CEPR Press and World Bank Group.
  • K.E. Maskus and W. Ridley (2023). “Early findings on the economic impacts of intellectual property-related trade agreements.” InImproving Intellectual Property. S. Frankel, M. Chon, G. Dinwoodie, B. Lauriat, and J. Schovsbo (eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • N. J. Nava, W. Ridley, and S. Dall’erba (2023). “A Model of the U.S. Food System: What Are the Determinants of the State Vulnerabilities to Production Shocks and Supply Chain Disruptions?” Agricultural Economics 54(1), 95–109.


  • T. Magalhães Vital, S. Dall’erba, W. Ridley, and X. Wang (2022). “What Do the 235 Estimates from the Literature Tell Us about the Impact of Weather on Agricultural and Food Trade Flows?” Global Food Security 35, 100654.
  • S. Devadoss, B. Ugwuanyi, and W. Ridley (2022). “Determinants of Global Agricultural Trade.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47(3), 598–615.
  • W. Ridley, J. Luckstead, and S. Devadoss (2022). “Wine: The Punching Bag in International Trade Disputes.” Food Policy 109, 102250.
  • Kekezi O., Dall’erba S., Kang D. (2022) The role of interregional and inter-sectoral knowledge spillovers on regional knowledge creation across US metropolitan counties, Spatial Economic Analysis, forthcoming.


  • Maskus, K., and W. Ridley (2021). “Chapter 13: How preferential trade agreements with strong intellectual property provisions affect trade.” In The Economics of Deep Trade Agreements, Ana Margarida Fernandes, Nadia Rocha, and Michele Ruta (eds.). CEPR Press and World Bank Group.
  • Ridley, W. and S. Devadoss (2021). “Challenges for the U.S. Fruit Industry: Trends in Production, Consolidation, and Competition. Choices 36(2):1–6.
  • Ridley, W. and S. Devadoss (2021). “The Effects of COVID-19 on Fruit and Vegetable Production.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43(1):329–340.
  • Han, X., Xu, Y., Fan, L., Huang, Y., Xu, M., & Gao, S. (2021). Quantifying COVID-19 importation risk in a dynamic network of domestic cities and international countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(31).
  • Ceballos-Sierra F., Dall’erba S. (2021) The Effect of Climate Variability on Colombian Coffee Productivity: a Dynamic Panel Model Approach, Agricultural Systems, 190, 103126.
  • Ayala Garcia J., Dall’erba S. (2021) The natural resource curse: evidence from the Colombian municipalities, Papers in Regional Science, 100, 581-602. 


  • Avelino A., Dall’erba S. (2020) What Factors Drive the Changes in Water Withdrawals in the U.S. Agriculture and Food Manufacturing Industries between 1995-2010?, Environmental Science and Technology, 54, 10421-10434.



  • Dominguez F., Dall’erba S., Huang S., Avelino A., Mehran A., Hu H., Schmidt A., Schick L., and Lettenmaier D. (2018) Tracking an Atmospheric River in a Warmer Climate: from Water Vapor to Economic Impacts, Earth System Dynamics, 9, 249-266.